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Bipolar Disorder Guide

Bipolar Disorder Articles


A Bipolar Disorder Checklist to Identify the Symptoms

A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis is Difficult to Make 

A Bipolar Quiz Helps Diagnose if the Disorder is Present

A Bipolar Test Will Identify the Severity of the Disorder

Bipolar Disease Has Many Extreme Levels

Bipolar Disorder in Children Can Present Different Than in Adults

Bipolar Medications Must be Carefully Monitored

Bipolar Symptoms For the Awareness of the Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Treatment Through Medication and Counseling

Dealing with Bipolar Disorder Takes Time and Patience

The Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder are Disruptive to Everyone

The Chemistry of Bipolar Disorder is an Ongoing Study

The Family Suffers When a Mother Has Bipolar Disorder

The History of Bipolar Disorder Shows It Has Always Existed

The Relationship of Bipolar and Depression

The Types of Bipolar Support Programs That Can Help


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A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis is Difficult to Make

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder involving periods of elevated moods, referred to as mania, and alternative depressive phases. A bipolar disorder diagnosis can be a tricky task and it is often difficult to detect. The main reason is due to the nature of the disorder.

Since an individual experiences alternative mood swings from hyperactivity to depression, they do not complain and even when they seek medical advice, the manic phase is not described. It is only the depressive phase that is mentioned to doctors and results in a wrong diagnosis. Moreover the physical and psychiatric symptoms are similar to that of other psychological problems like anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. There is no definite medical test for a bipolar disorder diagnosis and therefore doctors dealing with such cases generally prefer to carry out a number of tests at the same time. 

The first step involved in a bipolar disorder diagnosis consists of a thorough examination of the patient’s medical history and physical examination. This is followed by a psychiatric test that helps to determine any previous experiences of mood swings. Since research has discovered a genetic link to the bipolar disorder, psychiatrists try to determine if there has been a family history of the disease or any form of depression or mood disorders.

If a thorough analysis of the patient’s physical and psychiatric condition does not reveal any other condition, the patient may be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The various signs and symptoms are taken into consideration to determine whether it’s a case of depression or cyclic phases of mania and depression which can be termed as bipolar disorder. Early bipolar disorder diagnosis is vital for effective treatment. 

Since bipolar disorder diagnosis is not easy, patients are often unaware of their illness. Moreover, people may not even notice the symptoms or may be wrongly diagnosed by doctors. The lack of appropriate and timely treatment might alleviate the risks involved with the disease. Individuals suffering from the disorder may turn suicidal or might take resort to substance abuse in the form of drugs and alcohol.

Problems at home and workplace are also very common with individuals suffering from bipolar disorder. The ability to function properly may deteriorate considerably; spouses may separate and the patient gradually alienates himself from family and friends. Medication, psychotherapy and support from the family and other organizations are the key elements of treatment after a bipolar disorder diagnosis. Often it is accompanied with other disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, panic disorder, social phobia etc. Therefore diagnosis at an early stage becomes essential for proper and effective treatment and for living a productive and full life.