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Bipolar Disorder Guide

Bipolar Disorder Articles


A Bipolar Disorder Checklist to Identify the Symptoms

A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis is Difficult to Make 

A Bipolar Quiz Helps Diagnose if the Disorder is Present

A Bipolar Test Will Identify the Severity of the Disorder

Bipolar Disease Has Many Extreme Levels

Bipolar Disorder in Children Can Present Different Than in Adults

Bipolar Medications Must be Carefully Monitored

Bipolar Symptoms For the Awareness of the Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Treatment Through Medication and Counseling

Dealing with Bipolar Disorder Takes Time and Patience

The Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder are Disruptive to Everyone

The Chemistry of Bipolar Disorder is an Ongoing Study

The Family Suffers When a Mother Has Bipolar Disorder

The History of Bipolar Disorder Shows It Has Always Existed

The Relationship of Bipolar and Depression

The Types of Bipolar Support Programs That Can Help


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Dealing with Bipolar Disorder Takes Time and Patience

Dealing with bipolar disorder can be hard, but is necessary for the sufferer and the family.  Making sure that it is treated correctly must be the top priority. And to be able to do this, the patient must consult a psychiatrist or a qualified doctor with expertise on bipolar disorder cases the very moment he or she has experienced its signs. Dealing with bipolar disorder is an issue that can affect not only you but everyone around you. You are not alone in this fight.

Dealing with bipolar disorder can be lonely and isolating. You’ve watched the healthy person you once knew deteriorate and suffer.
Episodes of mania or depression can last from a few weeks to several months and are frequently severe enough to affect day-to-day functioning at work and at home. Men tend to have more bouts of mania; women have more episodes of depression.

Episodes of mania or depression may happen irregularly and follow an unpredictable pattern or they may be linked, with a manic episode always following a period of depression, or vice versa. Sometimes episodes have a seasonal pattern. Episodes of extreme elation or agitation followed by high energy are known as mania. Persistent states of extreme sadness or irritability followed by low energy are known as depression.

Support groups help when dealing with bipolar disorder to provide emotional support, education, understanding, accountability and self-awareness. Participants develop a bond with others because they share common ground. Support comes in many forms. The easiest and probably the most futile form of support is enabling.  Anytime you allow the person with erratic mood swings to continue without facing the issue, you are enabling that person.

Families are a neglected resource for mental health professionals. Families who are affected by members with a mental illness like bipolar disorder know how important a support group can be. And, a support group with exceptionally qualified leadership is even more significant.

Clinicians look for a more persistent pattern of such behaviors. Parents may have reason for concern if a child of 7 years or older often hears voices saying derogatory things about him or her, or voices conversing with one another, talks to himself or herself, stares at scary things that aren't really there, and shows no interest in friendships. Clinicians commonly refer to these under-the-DSM radar mixed states as dysphoric hypomania or agitated depression, often using the terms interchangeably. When dealing with bipolar disorder, many doctors will refer to these as "an energized depression."

Clinically, during the manic phase the scans often look hyperactive, especially in the lateral frontal cortex, lateral parietal lobes and lateral temporal lobes, focal increased uptake in the limbic system has also been noted. Differentiating the initial onset of bipolar disorder from schizophrenia is often a difficult task in an acutely psychotic individual.

Lithium carbonate was the premier significant breakthrough in the medications for bipolar disorder treatment. It belongs to a lineage of medications called “attitude stabilizers”. Lithium is the best established of all the medications to treat manic depression (bipolar disorder).

Dealing with bipolar disorder also includes the older classes of antidepressant medications, such as tricyclics, tetracyclics, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs); selective serontonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine (Paxil); and also newer types of antidepressants, including venlafaxine (Effexor). In all age groups, about one-third of doctor visits where antidepressant medications were prescribed did not include prescription of a mood stabilizer. Newer types of antidepressants, including venlafaxine (Effexor) are also used in dealing with bipolar disorder.

When antidepressants are prescribed, many bipolar patients will go into a manic state.  Being able to identify this is paramount when dealing with bipolar disorder and that’s why doctors carefully monitor their patients and also educate them.